start at the Drawing Board...

this is where it starts

26 agosto 2005

Just when you think everything is in order...

...something else happens.

(But don't we love the challenge?)

18 agosto 2005


17 agosto 2005

*for those who've seen Madagascar...*

'Spiritually fit, Spiritually fit, You've got to be spiritually fit..."

have you had you're prayer today?

16 agosto 2005

Today, i rejoice in my heart of hearts.

15 agosto 2005

There's no excuse for Irvine.

if not for conflict, the artists would have nothing to write, paint...

13 agosto 2005

Inside Outlaws.

something should be named that.

11 agosto 2005

people tend to is always the movement

Guess what song..."can you still feel the butterflies....if not now, when?"

Wir Sind Helden

10 agosto 2005

I got this e-mail over the weekend from an e-mail list of college students in Granada:

"bueno, he llegado todavía viva de marruecos.

ha sido los 2.5 semanas más intensas de toda mi vida.

he vivido con una familia en el sáhara, me he infermado 2 o
3 veces, he viajado con chinos, con italianos, sola...

he estado en peligro y he estado pretegido x personas
completamente extrañas...

Dios jamás me abandonará, y eso es el gran mensaje de mi

hermanas y hermanos, Dios jamás nos abandonará. si no me
creen, pregúntame de las cosas q me han pasado en los
últimos 3 meses y te contaré milagros. "

sanity is in the eye of the beheld.

"if you think you understand, it isn't God" - St. Augustin of Hippo

09 agosto 2005

After a confusing voyage where I managed to get lost, it's nice to be back.

08 agosto 2005

is theology a way of judging morals (good and evil), or is it a way of controling morality?

07 agosto 2005

titles are only important for identifying.

once they go beyond that, they become lables, and pigeon-holes with which people or things are stigmatized.

the battle of good and evil is futile in the physical, isn't it?

those of us of this world cannot judge the great magnitude that is good, or evil.

our minds cannot see the beginnings or ends of both, or either.

06 agosto 2005

who are the Coto Kids?

04 agosto 2005

it's the small victories that He must be praised for.

today i realized i've become the guy that hates their job... it was this morning at work... when the people sucked still

i'm just happy to be with you
when we can talk about anything and everything or nothing at all
that's what matters i guess
just being able to 'be' with each other
i always think him to be a part of my being
if we are one with Him, then we are an extention of Him in our most basic state of being

03 agosto 2005

this is the beginning of something new. that is all.


08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005   09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005   11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005   12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006   03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006   04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006   05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006   06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006   10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007   01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008   01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009   09/01/2009 - 10/01/2009  

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